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Instant Access Networks, LLC (443) 569-6082

Instant Access Networks, LLC

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Power Grid

IAN in the News

Read about IAN in the news. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)/SCC announced the beginning of a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract with IAN and its subcontractors as of March 28, 2016, entitled,  Accelerating Society-wide EMP Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Micro-grids.

Chuck Manto During Interview

New Contracts

IAN now offers expedited Phase III SBIR contracts with interested federal agencies. This is based on IAN's completion of a Phase I SBIR contract with DTRA (HDTRA1-16-P-0025) and is developing SBIR Phase II and Phase III contracts that are derived from the completed Phase 1 contract and our product, "Resilient Adaptive Modular-Microgrid Systems" (RAMS).

Subcontractors include Technology Assessment and Transfer (TA&T) providing advanced materials support; DC Fusion/ Power Analytics and WES, providing power management software of microgrids. Jaxon Engineering and Maintenance provides EMP testing support and Fairfax Water, gives us water utility management guidance.

Chuck Manto with Subcontractors

©2009 Composite SOHO (ESA/NASA and art by IAN, LLC)